Collection: Live Tilapia For Sale

Blue Tilapia have been farmed and fished from the lower Nile river in Africa all the way to the Jordan River in the Middle East for thousands of years. Some people call it a Kurper and some call it an Israeli tilapia, but it is best known as St. Peter's Fish out of the Sea of Galilee. Referring to the Bible story of Apostle Peter, who was directed by Jesus to look into the mouth of the first fish he caught for a coin to pay the temple tax. Yep, Tilapia love to carry things in their mouth.

The Benefits of Blue Tilapia

  • The water temperatures that would kill other tilapia species are acceptable for blue tilapia.
  • Because of their natural salt content, blue tilapia can survive in mildly brackish water and are easy to purge before harvest.
  • Blue Tilapia are the species most commonly offered in grocery stores and restaurants.

Our Tilapia

We raise our tilapia fingerlings in an indoor hatchery, away from any mice, birds, or insects that could carry diseases. Our breeding colonies and fingerlings are kept in glass aquariums with equipment to maintain a hygienic environment. We do not use hormones or hormone containing feeds. Our tilapia are inspected annually for diseases.