Feeding stages for Live Tilapia

Feeding stages for Live Tilapia

Live Tilapia need the correct type of food for their age and size to stay healthy and grow fast. They are a great aquaculture fish because they can grow quickly and can even cope in slightly different conditions. They require a balanced diet that includes protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These nutrients will change in their type and amount depending on the fish’s size and stage. Feeding schedules and the type of feed you use is a major factor for successful tilapia farming. For optimal growth we recommend using these feeds in this order. Begin with Algae discs for the first stage. The second stage involves the use of Aquamax 300, which is followed by Aquamax 400. Lastly, Aquamax 4000 is used for the final growth stage. Your tilapia will grow at an optimal speed.

Algae discs are what tilapia eat from day one. These green wafers will sink to the bottom of the enclosure, providing a food source that the tilapia will nibble on. It’s very important not to skip this step. The Algae discs have wheat germ, brewer’s yeast and high levels of vitamin C that promote healthy gill, fin, and tissue development. If the tilapia don’t get these nutrients at an early age, they could potentially be stunted. The Algae discs are recommended to use up until your tilapia fingerling reach two inches long. At this point, we highly recommend weaning them over to the Aquamax 300.

Aquamax 300 is a small sinking pellet that is sized at 1/16 in Diameter. The small size of these pellets are the perfect size for a two inch tilapia fingerling. The Aquamax 300 pellets provide the necessary nutrients for the tilapia at this stage of their growth. The tilapia will continue eating the 300 until they reach five inches and at that point, we recommend weaning them over to the Aquamax 400.

When your tilapia reach the five inch mark, it’s time to start introducing them to Aquamax 400. This pellet in designed for their size and age and is a small pellet at about a 3/32” in diameter. It is important to note, that they will only eat this pellet for about three weeks before they will be ready for their adult food. We highly recommend not to skip this step; it has nutrients that are crucial for the development of your tilapia. Once they reach six inches, we recommend the tilapia to wean over to the 4000.

The final stage of food you will need to feed your tilapia is the Aquamax 4000. The pellets are approximately 3/16" in diameter and are designed to float, making them suitable for tilapia that have reached a size of over six inches. This is a high-quality food that is designed for adult tilapia. It has been formulated as an easy to digest feed. By following the recommended feeding schedule, you can ensure that your tilapia will grow at an optimal rate.

         In Summary, tilapia are known for their fast growth rate. But we must help them out if we want them to grow at an optimal rate. A balanced diet is one of the main factors to a fast-growing tilapia.  Make sure that you are feeding them as much as they want to eat, let them get full. Don’t overfeed them though or you will be creating more waste inside their enclosure. Take a look at our blog “Tilapia Needs” to help make sure that you are prepared for successful tilapia farming.

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